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January 1, 2016 Friday

Hello Beautiful,


Welcome to the New Year Beautiful! 2016! A year for new things. 


Many people have had some very big struggles and challenges in 2015. They were ready for the year to end and embraced this new year with open arms. I read through social media today as many friends and family poured out the challenges they had to face. 


I was in the same boat this past year. Everything was a challenge to stretch me as far as I could go and teach me some very hard lessons. 



Happy New Year !! Happy New you !


Photo of Karissa Hagemeister

I have big expectations for this year. I expect a new thing, multiple new things. I am sure this new year will be full of joy, open doors, favor and blessings. Those things we have been hoping for will begin to bud forth. 


Life as we have known it will never be the same. 


The last month of 2015, I had lost everything but hope. And I was almost done with hope too. I had given up on humanity, on myself and was trying really hard not to give up on God. 


But God makes all things new. And with each new year, he begins a new work in each of us. 


Here is our chance to start over and begin a new thing. I encourage you to embrace 2016 with open arms, beautiful. Remember the lessons you have learned from this past year and run forward with an open heart. 


This is your year. Shine bright, beautiful. 




Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister



January 8, 2016 Friday

Hello Beautiful,


I hope you have set some goals, plans and resolutions for this year. And if you have, I hope you are taking steps to making them come true.


It is one thing to dream big dreams. That is a great quality to have. To be able to dream, no matter the circumstances of life. It is another to realize the steps you have to take to make it to that dream. And another to actually take those steps and move forward.


 A wise person once said, "If you keep doing what you've always done, you will keep getting the results you have always gotten."



I'm living the dream for 2016

Photo of Karissa Hagemeister

We must make an effort to reach those goals and dreams that we have. Nothing falls from the sky and lands in our laps. Nothing just happens without us first making the steps toward it. You have to work for it.


You cannot wallow in self-pity waiting for things to happen, for things to change. You must make the change and make the steps yourself. You've got this. Nothing is too great a task. Take small steps.


But take steps. Move forward. This is your year. 2016 is the year that you meet your dreams and make changes for the better, for you.


Take the world by storm in 2016.




Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister



January 18, 2016 Monday

Hello Beautiful,


It seems like everyone these days is full of great advice and big opinions. They tell us what to think, who to be friends with and what kind of food we should eat. 


Everyone has their own opinions and their voices are just getting louder. I have found it hard to talk to many people about personal things anymore because they always want to share their opinion instead of just listen. I find myself being swayed by what they say and then I end up somewhere down the road that I did not want to travel. 


What should we believe? The lines are becoming grey. What should we do? Is there still purpose here? These are questions that people ask constantly. They are searching for a code to live by. They are looking for the right thing. They want to make a difference. 



You don't have to live in the shadows anymore. 2016 is the year to break out of the dark and see the light in your purpose and your life. 


Photo of Karissa Hagemeister and friends 

Maybe you are asking yourself the same questions or ones that are similar. What am I doing here? How do I know that I am doing this right? 


Reading in Matthew, a book from the New Testament from the Bible, I found what I am calling the three parables to live by. 


If you keep up with me, the next three blogs will dissect these parables and maybe, they will help answer some of these questions for you, as they did for me. 


It looks like I am writing at least once a week, so we will say, over the next three weeks, we will discuss the three parables to live by and what that looks like for you. 


Have a blessed week, beautiful. 




Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister



January 24, 2016 Sunday

Hello Beautiful,


Read Matthew 25: 1-13


Life is hectic, crazy and nonstop. There are no time outs, no real breaks. You have to go with it. Take it as it comes. But there comes a time when it runs out. It will run out for each of us. We do not know the day, the hour or even the second. 


Unfortunately, sometimes that time comes a lot quicker than we expect. You may have experienced that by losing a loved one, family member, friend. When we lose someone, it helps put life back into perspective. It reminds us that our time will run out too. 


Are we prepared for it all to end? What happens when it is over? Do you hope that there is a Heaven? Do you hope that you will make it in? 



Live for today. Tomorrow may never come.


Photo of Karissa Hagemeister's devotion time

We have talked about new beginnings this year. I promised to provide three truths to live by. Today is the first. You may be thinking, “You are talking about dying. What does that have to do with living?”




We must live as if today was the last day we have. We must live as if we are dying. Why? Two reasons: 


1) There is life after death and you must be prepared for one eternity or another. If you are confused or concerned about this topic, feel free to message me and we can discuss it further. 


2) We get so carried away going on with life that we forget it ends. For us, for those we love. Take time to cherish your loved ones. Show and tell them how much you care. Never miss an opportunity to say, “I Love you,” or let someone know how you feel. 


There will come a time when I breath my last, same goes for you. I want to leave this earth knowing where I am going and knowing that I loved as deep as I could while I was on earth and knowing that I am taking those that I love with me to Heaven. 


Live for today, beautiful. 




Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister


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