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August 1, 2015 Saturday

Hello Beautiful,


So I turned 27 two days ago ... I do not feel much difference right now but I went through a bunch of change for months leading up to this day. Honestly, I have not even had time to think about my birthday. 


It came and went and I didn’t even fully enjoy it like I should have. I was trying to force myself to be happy, to have fun. I think it made me more unhappy. 


My friends and family celebrated me so much. That is what made me the most happy. I have been blessed with some great, great people that are close to me right now. I felt horrible because I have not been able to fully enjoy the festivities that they have planned for me. I didn’t want to let them down. 

Celebrating my birthday with some of my friends 


Photo of Karissa Hagemeister & friends

I have to remember to live in the moment and enjoy the moment. Even though I do not know what is to come, that is not important right now. I cannot change the future or fix the future by focusing on it. I do not even know how the future is going to turn out. 


Nothing is really “going my way” right now. Everything is still in transition mode. I want so badly to be happy with what I have. But I cannot force happiness on myself. I am not happy with where I am. If I were, I would not make the moves I need to make to get to where I need to be. 


Happiness is important in life. I should remember it is not my ultimate goal for every second of every day. There are days that will be hard, uncomfortable and even sad but I must go through those days, even on my birthday, to get to somewhere greater. 


Here is to a new year of my life. Here is to the new somewhere that will come soon. 

Happy August, beautiful. 






Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister



August 3, 2015 Monday

But once the change approaches, let me be honest, I get freaking scared out of my mind. I think I might have a slight over dramatic problem. I blow everything up to being way bigger than it is in my head.


As it turns out, everything always seems to work out, no matter how much I do or do not freak out about it. It would be so much better if I could keep my head about me when I am going through changes and just embrace it instead of hide, run or have a slight panic attack about it.



As we both go through changes this month, maybe we can learn to embrace them together. I will be here for you, beautiful. It is just another season.





Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister


Welcome change with open arms


Photo of Karissa Hagemeister by LeAnn Haste

Hello Beautiful,


For me, August has always been a month of change. It either meant a new school year, changes in temperature and even changes in jobs or employees.


I felt like this month would be a good time to discuss change. Partly because of the change that many of us will endear this month and because change is something that we always have a hard time dealing with.


I always tell myself that I love change. I do. I like things to change up otherwise I get bored too quickly. I anticipate change.


August 7, 2015 Friday

Hello Beautiful,


Let me tell you about the change I have been experiencing in this summer of 2015. I still have so much change to go but I feel like I have made it on the other side of the crazy feelings that come with change, at least.


A month ago, I took one of the craziest, riskiest leaps I have taken in quite a few years. I knew it was time. I was not happy where I was. I felt like I had wasted so many years of my life and had gotten no where. I knew that I needed to change everything and get a new outlook on life.


I left home with little to no money, with some expectations on my mind and moved three hours away to live with a house of friends. The things I had planned and had expected did not quite turn out the way that I thought they would.


Change makes you crazy lol


Photo of Karissa Hagemeister 

For the first few weeks, I was scared straight. I was sure that I was burying myself alive. I had messed up big time and it was too late. I should just move back to my parents house and go back to the mundane life. But there was nothing left there either.


So, even though I was feeling pretty lifeless at this point, I decided to push on and see what would come of it.


After a little while more of enduring, things began to fall into place in a way I did not even imagine they could. In less than a week, I had received more than one job opportunity, been given the chance to get my Masters for free and stumbled upon numerous modeling opportunities as well as an agency that is so excited to have me join their talent. I had no idea any of this was waiting for me.


Not to mention, the friends that have been placed in my life at this time have been so full of blessings and hospitality. They have allowed me to stay for free until I get going in my job and have blessed me over and over again. I don't deserve this at all.


This has shown me that sometimes I need to make a big change and wait it out to see how it all turns out. Yes, I thought I was going to die in the process but I didn't. I have come out more than on top and you can too, beautiful.




Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister



August 9, 2015 Sunday 

Hello Beautiful,


Sometimes when we go through big periods of change, as is the case right now, the roller coaster starts to feel like it is slowing down so you can get off. At that moment, when you think it is safe to exit, the roller coaster starts up at full speed again.


I've shared my latest change journey with you.


From here, things are a little bit clearer, at least as to where I will be living and working and some ways that I will be spending my days, for quite possibly the next two years.


From here, my schedule is going to pick back up into moving full speed ahead, which is where and how I like it.


From here ...


Photo of Karissa Hagemeister 

From here, there are still some changes in the making. Still some things that are not quite certain.


From here, I most likely will have to cut back on blogging just because my time will be very sparse. But I will not abandon you completely. I will blog, at least on a weekly basis, and I will make sure it is relevant and interesting information.


From here, I only know what this very second holds but I will embrace this change. I will embrace this new life and get everything I can out if it. I will live, learn and love more deeply than before. And beautiful, I hope you do too.


From here, I hope the change is a little more brighter for you too.




Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister



August 23, 2015 Sunday 

So, I am going back to Southeastern University to get my MBA (Masters in Business Administration). Classes begin this week. I am so excited. (Yes, I am a nerd but I hide it well.) I love learning so much. I have obtained several part time jobs to keep myself afloat while I study. Everything is looking up and I am so excited for this new season in my life.


Last weekend, I had the opportunity to model in Orlando Fashion Week. With every runway I have done, this was so fun. I had a great time connecting with all the other models, designers and all those involved in putting together the beautiful shows. 


I do not mean to brag about my life but I want this to be an encouragement to you, beautiful. Things do get better. Read my blogs from last month and see where I am coming from. There is a light at the end of your tunnel. Maybe you need to step out into the unknown in something. Maybe you need to make a small change. But whatever it may be, you will make it and you will be amazed at the life that is waiting for you on the other side. 


Have a beautiful week and keep smiling, love. 




Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister


Keep Smiling

Photo of Karissa Hagemeister by Brion Price 

Hello Beautiful,


So it has been a while since my last post. So much has gone on but it has been such beautiful things. Did I not tell you that when you go through the hard times in life, as long as you hold on and persevere, you will make it through. It is always a beautiful scene on the other side. 


As you know, I have made some big transitions. I moved out and back on my own. I have succeeded in finding work. But not only that, I am going back to school now. This is something that I have always wanted to do but was not going to take out any more student loans and just figured it would never happen. 




August 30, 2015 Sunday 

Hello Beautiful,


As September approaches, fall fashion is on a lot of people’s minds. Not everyone is focused on it but a lot of people are excited, wondering what will be the new styles for the fall. 


I know, for myself, I am very excited to start wearing booties and oranges and browns. I love fall, the transition, the cooler weather. 


As September arrives and throughout the month, I am going to shine a spotlight on a few of my favorite designers and their fall fashion. We will do little Q & A’s with what inspires them and what they love most about designing. 


One of my own: Kingdom Dezigns

Photo of Karissa Hagemeister 

I have modeled for quite a few of them so I have been able to experience their fashion first hand. What they do is quite inspiring. 


It will be a cool experience for you because most of these designers you have not heard of and it will give you a chance to see some southern designers. 


Fall fashion here we come!! 


Have a beautiful week and keep smiling, love. 




Karissa "Beautiful" Hagemeister


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